Get involved

Become a member

Membership in SSIWPS is open to anyone who believes in our mission. To join, please complete our application form and return to or Box 555, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2W2.

As a member, you will be connected with our volunteer network, become a valued part of our collective voice, and receive a newsletter 3-4 times per year.

Membership costs $15/year for individuals and $30/year for families. As these fees do not cover our operating expenses, we gratefully accept additional donations.


All donations to WPS (including membership fees) are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

You can support our efforts by donating via:

  • our Canada Helps page,

  • e-transfer to

  • cheque payable to “Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society” (Mailing address: Box 555, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2W2)


SSIWPS is a registered non-profit organization governed under our constitution and by-laws in accordance with the BC Societies Act. Elections of the Board of Directors are held annually and are open to all members.

Current board of directors

Jean Wilkinson — President
Chris Drake — Vice President
Giselle Paquet — Treasurer
Ian Peace — Secretary
Judy McLennan
Doug Wahlsten
Sharon Bywater