Larmour Lands purchase deadline looms

Published in the Driftwood

An attempt to preserve a second 20-acre lot forming part of the “Larmour Lands” is coming down to the wire. 

A community-driven fundraising campaign saw Lot H secured last October with the Salt Spring Water Preservation Society agreeing to hold the land and place a conservation covenant on it. Efforts to also purchase nearby Lot F from the late Michael Larmour’s estate have continued, with a May 31 deadline to make an offer now looming. 

“We are hoping to have a purchase offer by the end of this month and we are hoping to bridge the gap in our funding, which is something like $100,000,” said Rodney Polden, who has been working on the conservation campaign in one way or another for well over a year.

One reason the goal is in sight is because of an offer from one generous donor to match funds up to $10,000. Charitable tax receipts are given for donations of $20 or more. 

Polden hopes islanders will be motivated to make a pledge for the purchase when they realize that it’s something they can do to help reduce the risk of wildfire. 

“Maintaining wetlands and forests are an excellent way to maintain the hydrology and level of moisture in the ground for the future,” he said.

Lot F has stunning mature forests, three separate wetlands and even an area zoned for agricultural use. It connects to Lot H to create a V-shaped 40-acre area, and adds to significant lands already protected privately by Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Covenants through the Islands Trust. 

To donate to the Lot F purchase by etransfer or to get more information, contact Polden can also answer any questions at or 250-537-5082. 

Funds will be returned to donors if the purchase does not occur. 


Salt Spring water: a developing storyline


An Opportunity to Help Protect the Forest on Lot F of the Larmour Lands