Salt Spring water: a developing storyline
Published in the Driftwood
Freshwater is vital to life on Salt Spring Island, and to a healthy marine realm surrounding our beautiful home. Efforts to understand, monitor and protect our island’s watersheds are increasingly needed to support our island communities’ freshwater sustainability. Healthy freshwater and marine ecosystems underpin our island’s community and its natural systems sustainability.
During 2022-2023, the Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society (SSIWPS), Marine Stewardship Group of Transition Salt Spring and Raincoast Conservation Foundation undertook a pilot study to examine water quality in seven creeks entering Fulford Harbour and possible effects on the adjacent marine ecosystems. The study goals included supporting the planned restoration of the sea gardens in W̱E¸NÁ¸NEĆ/Hwune’nuts (Fulford Harbour) by the W̱SÁNEĆ nations and Hul’q’umi’num-speaking nations. The participation of members from the W̱SÁNEĆ nations and Hul’q’umi’num-speaking nations delivered a strong sense of purpose, with Parks Canada contributing funding to the analyses.
The pilot undertook summer, fall and spring water sampling, and measured flow, temperature, water velocity, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, metal concentrations and fecal coliform. The SSIWPS FreshWater Catalogue (FWC) provided a five-year baseline dataset which underpinned the pilot study field locations and informed an understanding of natural and seasonal change, key information for developing an appropriate pilot freshwater quality sampling program.
Our study measurement results largely fell within measured FWC ranges, from Fulford Harbour streams and other freshwater sampling sites across Salt Spring Island. There were no exceedances of B.C. environmental quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life for any of the water properties or metals. However, fecal coliforms were detected in the majority of water samples, indicating land-based contamination of creeks from wildlife, livestock, pets and/or humans. Fecal coliform counts were highest in summer and their detection raises questions about coliform sources (humans through failing septic tanks and/or faulty wastewater connections).
The results of our collaborative stewardship island watersheds pilot study were published recently in a pilot water quality report for streams discharging into W̱E¸NÁ¸NEĆ/Hwune’nuts (Fulford Harbour), Salt Spring Island, British Columbia report. The pilot study did not include pesticides, hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, roadway contaminants or other contaminants of concern, “invisibles” that may originate from homes, businesses and roadways in the watersheds draining into Fulford Harbour. However, more than five years of SSIWPS-led freshwater cataloguing and watershed reconnaissance work (some 8,000+ recorded FWC field sites across the island’s watersheds) highlight several potential sources of invisibles that impact our island watersheds and creek-systems. Tagged “refuse” (tires, sofas, cars, “historic” household waste, etc.) occurs in multiple in-stream or near-stream settings within the Fulford Creek watershed and elsewhere.
The findings from the pilot study speak to the value of collaborative stewardship and of the need for sampling for a wider suite of contaminants. The pilot study report recommendations include:
• Regular monitoring of the seven streams for coliform levels to establish temporal and seasonal trends,
• Bacterial source tracking to identify the host species for coliform contamination in these streams,
• A more in-depth study of Fulford Creek to assess the extent to which this principal freshwater stream in Fulford Harbour releases other contaminants of concern (“invisibles”), and
• A regular forum that brings First Nations, government agencies and stewardship organizations together in support of transparency, sharing, monitoring for threats and solution opportunities for our precious fresh and marine water systems.
Future re-opening of shellfish harvesting in the sea gardens will benefit from comprehensive data that identifies threats to the freshwater that discharges into Fulford Harbour. A first glimpse into water quality in Fulford streams provides some reason for optimism, but suggests that we may wish to dig a little deeper into contaminants that were not part of this study. In-depth knowledge will provide meaningful guidance for best practices in Fulford-area watersheds.
To see the full report, visit: raincoast.org/reports/saltspring-pilot/. Want to get involved? Contact info@ssiwaterpreservationsociety.ca or marinestewardshipssi@gmail.com.
John Millson is a SSIWPS board director at large and the FWC project lead. Anne Parkinson is the chair of the Transition Salt Spring Marine Stewardship Group. Samantha Scott is the water quality coordinator at Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Peter S. Ross is senior scientist and director of the Healthy Waters Program at Raincoast Conservation Foundation.
Larmour Lands purchase deadline looms
Published in the Driftwood
An attempt to preserve a second 20-acre lot forming part of the “Larmour Lands” is coming down to the wire.
A community-driven fundraising campaign saw Lot H secured last October with the Salt Spring Water Preservation Society agreeing to hold the land and place a conservation covenant on it. Efforts to also purchase nearby Lot F from the late Michael Larmour’s estate have continued, with a May 31 deadline to make an offer now looming.
“We are hoping to have a purchase offer by the end of this month and we are hoping to bridge the gap in our funding, which is something like $100,000,” said Rodney Polden, who has been working on the conservation campaign in one way or another for well over a year.
One reason the goal is in sight is because of an offer from one generous donor to match funds up to $10,000. Charitable tax receipts are given for donations of $20 or more.
Polden hopes islanders will be motivated to make a pledge for the purchase when they realize that it’s something they can do to help reduce the risk of wildfire.
“Maintaining wetlands and forests are an excellent way to maintain the hydrology and level of moisture in the ground for the future,” he said.
Lot F has stunning mature forests, three separate wetlands and even an area zoned for agricultural use. It connects to Lot H to create a V-shaped 40-acre area, and adds to significant lands already protected privately by Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Covenants through the Islands Trust.
To donate to the Lot F purchase by etransfer or to get more information, contact ssiwps2020appeal@gmail.com. Polden can also answer any questions at penrod@saltspring.com or 250-537-5082.
Funds will be returned to donors if the purchase does not occur.
An Opportunity to Help Protect the Forest on Lot F of the Larmour Lands
by Corinne Boucher
by Corinne Boucher
originally posted to the Salt Spring Exchange
All photos by Rodney Polden
A dedicated group of islanders is working to ensure over 8 acres of mature coastal Douglas fir, Western redcedar, and Bigleaf maple forest remains standing. This healthy mixed forest is on the upland portion of Lot F of the Larmour Lands, and its future is threatened. The community is invited to join us in this effort to prevent Lot F from being clearcut or developed.
Through the generous support of many donors, the adjacent forest and wetlands of Lot H have recently been saved and will be preserved in perpetuity! Now the focus is on extending this and creating a larger protected area to increase and enhance the health and function of this important ecosystem. With conservation covenants already in place on nearby properties, the forest on Lot F is the missing puzzle piece. Connectivity is key to increasing biodiversity, and protecting Lot F’s forest will create 46 acres (about 18.5 hectares) of pristine natural habitat, now and forever.
Mature mixed forests like this are becoming increasingly rare in the Southern Gulf Islands. Research shows they hold 375 tonnes of carbon per hectare and sequester about 4 tonnes per hectare annually, so maintaining them represents our best way to offset our carbon emissions and fight climate change.
As well, this forest provides habitat for many species at risk such as the Western screech owl, pygmy owl, night hawk, red-legged frog, and Mexican freetail bat, known as the fastest creature in level flight.
Lot F also includes extensive wetlands, ponds, fertile farmland, and some of the largest trees on Salt Spring. Many beautiful old firs and arbutus are found throughout the ALR portion of the property and along Beddis Road. Legal arrangements are being prepared to protect them as well.
Forested wetlands are natural sponges that clean and hold water, releasing it slowly to maintain water levels in creeks and groundwater aquifers. On this property, the old Western redcedars play an important role in reducing peak flows along the slopes, helping to build soil, moderate storm damage and reduce erosion. Healthy moist forests are also resistant to fire and create vital fire breaks that reduce the community’s fire risk.
SSI Water Preservation Society is pleased to participate in this campaign to protect the lands once owned by a founder of the society, Mike Larmour. Mike understood the importance of protecting water resources and watersheds. Undisturbed wetlands and forests filter and purify water as it percolates through the soils, providing good quality drinking water for residents throughout the whole area. Protecting the ecological values of this land in perpetuity will honour Mike’s lifetime work and legacy.
SSI Water Preservation Society is now fundraising to protect Lot F of the Larmour Lands. They welcome donations of any size and invite you to learn more on their website.
Summer 2020 newsletter
Our Priorities for 2020
by Maxine Leichter
WPS held a Zoom AGM in June and installed a new Board of Directors. The new board then approved policy priorities that will be the backbone of our activities for the next year. To be successful at these campaigns, we’re undertaking new activities to recruit additional volunteers. Our aim is to compile a list of folks willing to occasionally write letters to our elected officials. This newsletter includes one specific request. If you send an email, please bcc us at ssiwps@gmail.com. Success in our efforts will depend on communications to our elected officials.
Protect Our Drinking Water
by Maxine Leichter
Water supplies are threatened by new development being approved based on weak standards; tests are run for short periods and run in the winter when water is plentiful. Groundwater supplies are limited and must be allocated carefully so as not to deny supply to neighboring property owners. Water supplies are also threatened by new and proposed bylaws increasing residences and density without adequate consideration of water supplies.
Write to our elected Trustees asking them to:
• Set strong standards to show adequate water for development and subdivisions to assure that neighbouring water users will not be affected.
• Abandon draft bylaw 471 that would allow increased density across the island through a Temporary Use process. Density should only be increased for affordable housing in specific areas, near public transit and where adequate water exists.
Email Peter Grove, Laura Patrick and Peter Luckham at ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca or mail to #1–500 Lower Ganges Rd. SSI V8K 2N8. See our website for sample letters: www.ssiwaterpreservationsociety.ca
Protecting Our Forests
by Maxine Leichter
Protecting our local forests is another priority for 2020. Our forests are critical to protecting our surface and groundwater supplies. Forests allow rain and snow to soak into the ground that slowly releases it into streams and water-bodies, extending supplies into the dry months when water is most needed. Under current provincial legislation, our elected Local Trust Committee (LTC) has no authority to pass a bylaw to stop or regulate tree-cutting on Salt Spring Island. The LTC can pass a development permit area, but this tool is difficult to implement and enforce. We need a bylaw that will apply island-wide and can be enforced with fines.
We’re going to need letters to the Province asking them to allow the Islands Trust to pass bylaws to control tree-cutting to protect our drinking water. Let us know if you’re willing to write a letter, and when it’s the right time, we’ll send you the details. Email us at ssiwps@gmail.com.
On the Benchlands
by Neva Hohn
In May 2020, Maxine took me to WPS’s property on the benchlands, located on the hilltop above Tripp Road. Careful to observe appropriate social distancing as we basically carved our way over fallen branches and rockfalls and through six-foot high grasses of all kinds, we were on the lookout for Garry oaks planted there several years ago by Rodney Polden, a WPS board member at that time.
Although Maxine was sure there was or at least used to be a trail, none was apparent. Instead, we followed the wild-life indications along the ridge behind the houses on Cormorant Crescent.
About halfway up, we came upon a broad grassy area and, on the right side—hidden by long weeds, daisies, and other invasive (non-native) plants—was a cage of deer fencing. Inside the fencing was a small, but stalwart Garry oak next to a post (as seen in the picture). We cleared away plant debris and weeds from around the tree. I took the picture and then realized that these were all things we want to be doing—planting Garry oaks, clearing away invasive invaders, and identifying/saving the native species that exist there.
I don’t know much about Native plants, but Maxine is a wealth of information. We talked about the many other Garry oak trees and native plants that have been planted at the reserve over the years. We discussed next steps in this hopeful project.
I’d like to go up again, perhaps regularly, to inventory Native plants, take photos, and vision what the place could be like without the orchard grass, Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry and daphne. I invite anyone who would like to join us to get in touch. Who knows what we could discover?! Email us at ssiwps@gmail.com or call me at 250-931-5551.
WPS Outreach Campaign: “Water Talks” Event Held
by Maxine Leichter and Neva Hohn
This summer, we held two public events to recruit new members and volunteers. In June, we invited folks to meet us in The Meadow park in Ganges. Only one member came, but he has since become a valuable volunteer, giving his time to help improve signage at the WPS reserve.
In July, we held a “Water Talks” gathering at the SSI Conservancy native plant garden. Maxine and Neva arrived early and arranged the benches. It was warm but pleasant in the late afternoon shade in back of the Conservancy building. We brought water and disposable cups.
We sat Covid-distanced and introduced ourselves, several times, as more people arrived; seven in all. We started with questions. It turned out that one couple had come seeking information on rainwater harvesting. Several attendees had information to share, and we discussed the pros and cons of various approaches. We were also able to refer to the upcoming SSI-specific Rainwater Harvesting Guide that will be available online through SSI Watershed Protection Alliance (SSIWPA)—the interagency water activities coordinating group of which WPS is a member. We also got some new ideas for expanding our outreach for new volunteers. Some attendees were interested in further volunteer activities with WPS.
Volunteer Activities
by Maxine Leichter
You know broom: beautiful invasive weed. When it’s tiny, we pull it; when it’s big, we cut it down. Either way, we’re trying to get rid of it from WPS-owned nature reserve watershed lands above St. Mary Lake! We have the tools; we know where the broom is, but we just need your help. If you like the open bush, you’ll love this.
Tuesdays for 2 to 3 hours in the late afternoon, we meet, trek up the trail, and settle in a broom removal site. You’ll need a hat, long sleeves, and some sunscreen. Simple and fun!
We also remove other invasive species, plant Garry oak trees, and learn about native plants. Come join us!
No experience necessary. Call Neva (250-537-6426) for time and meeting location.
Do you have MailChimp experience?
We need a volunteer to produce our MailChimp newsletter. You set it up and add new names that come along.
Do you love Facebook?
Post weekly (or more often) to our WPS Facebook page. WPS provides the content = the perfect volunteer experience. Email us at ssiwps@gmail.com for either exciting opportunity.
More Volunteer Opportunities!
• The FreshWater Catalogue can always use more help. Get in touch with John Millson (jamssiwater@gmail.com) if
you would like to collect and test water samples at local creeks and waterbodies.
• We need high quality pictures of the reserve and volunteer activities. Anyone with a digital camera or high quality
new phone camera could help.
• Writers need to send letters to Driftwood, SS Exchange, and Victoria newspapers on advocacy issues.
News Update
by Maxine Leichter
The SSI WPS FreshWater Catalogue project has received a second grant from the SSI Foundation. This is allowing us to purchase more equipment and supplies to support water monitoring.
We were also the recipient of an “honorarium” from the CRD for work that is ongoing in the Weston Creek watershed area. These funds are being used to support a graduate student from Simon Fraser University in a review of our data. This SFU study is to determine if there are chemistry correlations between freshwater from ground and surface sources. The information will help determine how and where our aquifers’ groundwater influences our surface creek flow(s) and how this relates back to the quantity (and quality) and availability of water in our aquifers. Kudos to John Millson for bringing in funding for this program!
Water diversion license limits for St. Mary Lake
Executive Summary:
The Province issues licenses for surface water withdrawal for a range of purposes. Each license specifies the maximum amount that can be withdrawn over a defined period of time, usually one day or one year.
For St. Mary Lake, all licenses total 573 dam3 for the critical June-October summer season1. However, foran extreme drought the available safe yield during summer is about 350 to 380 dam3, substantially less than allowed by license.
In view of such a large difference, the purpose of this investigation was to uncover the guiding principle used by the Province in allocating a water resource, and to confirm the basis for the numbers applicable to St. Mary Lake as of 2015.
What I have concluded is this: the basic design principle is to allocate water licenses up to a limit that is available for climate average hydrological conditions, taking critical environmental flow thresholds into account. The Province recognizes that the full allocation will not be met during droughts, and has implemented a complex procedure for restricting or denying withdrawals2. These include rights by precedence based on when the license was issued.
The design principle is readily confirmed for Salt Spring Island, and for St. Mary Lake, as shown in this note. The weaknesses are obvious: there are dry winters when the runoff is inadequate to replenish the fully allocated storage, and there are summer droughts that result in significant shortages of water to meet the licensed withdrawal total. Periods when restrictions come into force are inevitable.
Current demand appears to be well below the licensed total for St. Mary Lake. NSSWD and CRD both withdraw less than their licenses (approximately 460 dam3 annually), which together account for 90% of the allocated total (1593 dam3). However, summer demand (June-October) is roughly 340 dam3 without water restrictions, leaving a reserve of about 12% of the safe yield3
Channel ridge lawsuit update
We had hoped that when the Channel Ridge lands were sold in 2016, that the new owner would abandon the lawsuit against WPS and various agencies. Last December the new owner sent correspondence indicating an interest in proceeding with the lawsuit. But it is encouraging that we haven’t heard from them since then.
In September 2015, the Water Preservation Society was served with a lawsuit demanding, among other things, that the WPS return 272 acres of St. Mary Lake watershed to Channel Ridge Properties. The lawsuit, legally known as a Notice of Civil Claim, was filed by Paradigm Mortgage Investment Corporation (mortgage holder of Channel Ridge Properties) and Channel Ridge Properties Ltd. Also sued were the North Salt Spring Waterworks District (NSSWD), the Islands Trust, and the Province.
The reserve lands came to the Society through a 1986 agreement between the North Salt Spring Waterworks District (NSSWD), the Society, the Islands Trust, and other agencies that allowed increased residential development in Channel Ridge. The lawsuit claims, in part, that because of recent issues regarding the availability of water for new development in Channel Ridge this reserve should be returned to the developer. We think that the plaintiffs’ legal arguments for the return of the reserve lands are weak. However, WPS has to fight the lawsuit, or the community risks losing the land that has so many important values to our community.
Over the years, WPS has worked hard to keep these vital watershed lands in as pristine a condition as possible, which is no easy task given that there is public access to this area. Much of the WPS land is very steep; however, a few areas are relatively level with stunning views of St. Mary Lake and the mainland beyond. The rest of the land might be logged as it has been in the past. If this happens it could be devastating for St. Mary Lake, which has been plagued with blooms of toxin-producing cyanobacteria due to high levels of phosphorus. Land-clearing in the watershed could result in rains carrying more phosphorus into the lake making for more toxic blooms.
Senior lawyers at Woodward and Company in Victoria are handling WPS’s defence. They have been WPS's lawyers since the early 1980s and are familiar with its history. WPS thinks that the plaintiffs’ legal argument for the return of the watershed lands is weak. However, WPS has to defend itself or possibly lose the lands. Legal costs could be $50,000 or more depending on how long the legal wrangling goes on. One reason for the costs being high is that the case was filed in Kelowna, and our lawyers may have to travel there to appear in court.
These costs could easily exhaust WPS’s funds, carefully saved over many years from member donations and special bequests, including from one of our founders Tom Gossett. The WPS Board had planned to save this money to use for caring for this land and, in some cases, for restoring disturbed areas to their natural condition, all to protect St. Mary Lake drinking water.
The WPS Board of Directors is taking this challenge very seriously and will strive to do its utmost to maintain ownership of these lands, which are a precious resource for the entire Salt Spring Island community. In the 33 years since its formation in 1982, WPS has stood up to many who needed to be reminded of the importance of our drinking water sources. An example would be the long and successful battle WPS fought to keep gasoline-powered boats off of our drinking-water lakes.
With your help, WPS intends to fight this battle with the same seriousness of purpose. Our lawyers have submitted an initial response to the claim, which states that we do not believe the conditions for the return of the land to the developer as set out in the covenant have been met. If you would like a copy of the WPS response, please email us at ssiwps@gmail.com. Please consider making a donation to our legal fund. Just click on "make a donation" at the top of this website.